Thursday, June 14, 2012

Is Working a Crime?

This would seem to be an odd question, until you stop and think about it. A thief who gets caught gets punished but, at least in The Netherlands, only gets to serve 2/3 of his sentence if he behaves well while imprisoned. An honest worker on the other hand, when caught, gets to pay his punishment (called: taxes) in full, plus a sanction should he have failed to inform the state that he was working. There's no such sanction on thieves not reporting their crimes. Thus, one could say that working attracts a more severe penalty than stealing.

Government is the Problem, not the Solution

Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them.
Politicians should stop trying to 'make' society. Separation of State and Economy.
Let the Non Aggression Principle prevail!
Vote Libertarische Partij.

This video is in Dutch, as it supports the election campaign for the Dutch Libertarian Party.
What Ron Paul did for America, the Dutch Libertarian Party seeks to do for the Netherlands.

Peace, Prosperity and Stability

These were the goals set for a United Europe, and look what it brought us.
Vote Libertarische Partij.

This video is in Dutch, as it supports the election campaign for the Dutch Libertarian Party.
What Ron Paul did for America, the Dutch Libertarian Party seeks to do for the Netherlands.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Law without Government

On YouTube, I found an excellent series of three short videos describing how law without government would work. I've taken the liberty to present them here together. Enjoy.

 1) Principles

 2) Conflict Resolution

 3) The Bargaining Mechanism

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Road to Serfdom

OR: The Collapse of the American Dream (and not only the American one).
It's called a dream, because... you have to be asleep to believe it.


Please also check out the site behind this production.

Government Explained - Very Clearly!

Disclaimer: The USA is (supposed to be) NOT a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic.
There is a major difference!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ron Paul - Face to Face

A fairly aggressive but fair interview challenging Ron Paul's stand on American and global politics, by Jon Ralston. Watch how Paul does not fall for suggestive questioning, does not bow down to the aggressiveness. For all who think Ron Paul is unelectable, who think this man will pose a threat to America, this is a must-see interview.

Drop your prejudice, take a step back, sit down and listen to what is being said, not who is saying it. Then, after you have formed your informed opinion, do think about who says it, and how he's consistently been saying this for the past 30 years. I read a response on a blog somewhere recently that sums up what Ron Paul is, and how he's being looked at and thought about. Someone wrote:
Ron Paul appears to be a bit of an odd character, until you start realizing that everything he's said and predicted over the years has the eery tendency to (have) become reality.
The exact quote escapes me, but it was something along these lines, and I think that pretty much sums it up.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The REAL State of the Union

Instead of 'low taxes' I'd have preferred the Judge to say 'no taxes', as he is very well aware that taxation is theft, but otherwise there is not a word amiss in this short video. It shows the dire state 'the free west' has come to be in.

Monday, January 9, 2012

"What if ...YOU were silenced?"

What if the perceived differences between Republicans and Democrats are just that: perceived...?

Judge Andrew Napolitano asks a number of rhetorical questions. Take a minute and think about the answers...